Archive for the ‘Palestine’ Category

israel attack on Gaza:

Posted: December 20, 2014 in Palestine

Saturday, 20th Dec.

00:11am. A huge explosion heard in Khanyounis, southern #Gaza that rocked the whole place. Another strike followed minutes after which caused a total blackout on the entire area.

Israeli warplanes and drones kept on hovering intensively across the Gaza Strip at low altitudes for several hours.

Fortunately their have been no reports of any injuries or fatalities in those 2 attacks. But it did however bring back terror and fear to the hearts of Palestinians, especially the ones living in Khanyounis, where the bombing took place, who got all worked up and nervous,  frightened that this might be a full blown war on Gaza.

And just a quick reminder this israeli attack is the first after its 50-day war on the Gaza Strip a couple of months ago.

Israel claims they bombed Gaza after Hamas fired a rocket earlier today. On the other side, Hamas unequivocally denies this false accusations.

“Could this be a beginning of another aggression on Gaza..?” We all wonder.

From lovely Gaza,

Hossam AlFarra.

   Since the beginning of ‘Operation Protective Edge’ the bombing and shelling of Gaza haven’t stopped at all. Death toll is raising rapidly while israel’s assault on Gaza is still ongoing. Until 12 July, israel dropped 4000 tons of explosives on Gaza.

    Now lets talk about numbers…

  • Palestinians:


    °Dead: 1050
    °Injured: 6233
    °Raids on Gaza: 18735 (by air, land & sea)
    °Houses destroyed: 5154 (728 fully destroyed)


  • israelis:
    °Dead: 34 (32 Soldiers)
    °Injured: 120
    °rockets on israel: 3849

I’ll try to update the numbers regularly. Last update: 27 July, 20 GMT.


List of victims who’s been killed by israel:

1. Mohammed Sha’ban, 24, Gaza

2. Amjad Sha’ban, 30, Gaza

3. Khadeir Al-Basheliki, 45, Gaza

4. Rashad Yassin, 27, Nusseurat refugee camp

5. Mohammed Ayman Ashour, 15, Child, Khan Younis

6. Bakr Mohammed Judeh, 22, Khan Younis

7. Ammar Mohammed Judeh, 26, Khan Younis

8. Riad Mohammed Kaware’, 50, Khan Younis

9. Hussein Yousef Kaware’, 13, Child, Khan Younis

10. Mohammed Ibrahim kaware’, 50, Khan Younis

11. Mohammed Habib, 22, Gaza

12. Ahmed Moussa Habibi, 16, Gaza

13. Saqr Ayesh Al-Ajuli, 22, Jabalia

14. Ahmed Nael Mahdi, 16, Gaza

15. Basil Salem Kaware’, 10, Child, Khan Younis

16. Hafez Mohammed Hamad, 30, Beit Hanoun

17. Ibrahim Mohammed Hamad, 26, Beit Hanoun (more…)

Operation Protective Edge:

Posted: July 11, 2014 in Palestine
   israel launched a new offensive against the people of Gaza on 8 July, which was later named “Operation Protective edge”. israel has announced that this operation comes as a response to the escalation of rocket attacks on israel by Hamas. They call it “self defense”… is it, really?

This all began with the 3 israeli teenagers who have gone missing and were found dead a couple of weeks later.
mohammed abu khadier

Mohammed Abu Khadier

The 3 israeli teenagers

The 3 israeli teenagers

 No body really knows the truth of what happened but, of course, israel blamed the Palestinians for their deaths. None of the Palestinian factions adopted the so-called ‘kidnapping and murder’ of the israelis, and there are many reports that they have actually died in a car accident and it was kept secret to give Israel an excuse to raid and attack Palestinians. The IDF arrested several hundred Palestinians in the West Bank as suspects. After that, israel turned its eyes on Gaza blaming Hamas for the kidnapping. Hamas denied that accusation. During all that commotion, a 16-year old Palestinian teenager “Mohammed Abu Khadeir was kidnapped and savagely made to drink gasoline then burned alive by israeli settlers. This all triggered the exchange of fire between the two sides and ‘Operation Protective Edge’ began.

   israel attacked the Gaza Strip from both air and sea. It targeted houses, civilians, medics, cars, motorcycles, mosques, hospitals, schools, media vehicles, and pretty much everything in Gaza. They even bombed a cemetery!! Can’t you leave the dead to rest in peace?? or are you afraid that they’ll rise from the dead (I guess they’ve been watching too much horror/zombie movies lately). And they also bombed a beach cafe which resulted in the death of 9 Palestinians who were watching the World Cup. *sigh*


Gaza beach cafe

They targeted everyone and everything everywhere in Gaza.   One of the houses that have been demolished belonged to the Kaware’ family in Khanyounis city, south of Gaza. They lost 8 innocent members of their family, most of whom were children. Israel referred to the incident as, and I quote, an “ERROR”.
 As of 11, July 2014, the death toll in Gaza has risen to more than 111 Palestinians martyrs, most of whom are non-combatant civilians, including children and women, and 900 injured. 1910 Israeli attacks on Gaza took place, where 290 houses were completely destroyed and more than 2800 were partially damaged. No Israeli deaths have been reported, with more than 50 injured.

Death toll, day 4

Death toll, day 4

It is really devastating to be housebound, not to be able to move freely or go to places you love or even visit your relatives and friends. And when electricity goes out you’re cut off from the world for awhole 8 hours, with nothing to do except pray, while listening to the drones buzzing and warplanes and navy warships bombing our beloved Gaza, and gaze at the red sky and pitch-black smoke coming out of your surroundings…

From the shattered Gaza

Hossam Alfarra.

Another attack on Gaza:

Posted: November 1, 2013 in Palestine

Israeli-artillery-shelling In the middle of the night on Oct-31 the israeli forces launched an attack on the Gaza Strip from the east side of Khanyounis refugee camp in southern Gaza Strip.
A young man was killed by the israeli shelling in the east of Khanyounis, another was injured. The body and the injured one were brought to hospital ASAP.


The shelling continued. The Apaches and airplanes started bombing the east side of Gaza while the israeli troops were trying to get into the east of Khanyounis.
The Resistance fought back and stopped the troops from getting to the Gaza Strip. 5 israeli soldiers were injured. The israeli troops retreated, the drones and airplanes continued to hover over Gaza buzzing until the next day.

At the end of the day 4 Palestinian men were killed: Rabee’ Baraka, Mohammad Daoud, Khalid Abu Bakra, Mohammad Qasas. Others were injured.
When will all of this end?!
#Palestine #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack #FreePalesitne #Zionism

As a deal was struck between israel and Khader Adnan to stop his hunger strike that lasted 66 days, every Palestinian started to celebrate and the hunger strikers in Gaza ended there strikes by eating sweets and distributing them to everyone who was in the solidarity tent and who where just passing by whether they were men, students, or even cars.

At last Khader Adnan is going to get out from prison in April, and go back to his father, wife, and two little girls.

Khader Adnan's father, wife, and 2 children

Hana Al Shalabi

But the struggle is far from over! Hana AlShalabi followed Adnan’s steps and started her own hunger strike against her renewed adminstrative detention as she got arrested by israeli soldiars without charge or trial. Today “Feb, 24” is her 8th day of her hunger strike. I hope that people won’t wait until she is dying or near death to take action and speak out like what happend with Khader Adnan.

Khader Adnan was not just one man. Khader Adnan stands for hundreds of Palestinian detainees who are held in Israeli prisons indefinitely, without any charge or trial.

Khader Adnan’s victory

Posted: February 21, 2012 in Palestine

Khader Adnan is a 33-year old man who got arrested in December, 17, 2011 without any charge against him.
The israeli soldiers broke into his house, took him away from his wife and 2 little girls and threw him in jail without bringing him to court.

For a Palestinian man who has no charge, no trail and away from home he just couldn’t sit in the shadow of silence doing nothing and getting humiliated and insulted, so he started a hunger strike since his first day in jail. Today, February, 21, 2012, was his 66th day and he has lost more than 44 kilos. He refused all sorts of food and liquids except water and he would not give it up until he is either free or dead.Adnan has refused health examinations by prison officials so they took him to a hospital inside Israel and the doctors found that his inside body parts started to shrink. They assessed his life to be at risk and that he might die soon if he continued on his strike. (more…)